Well, I'm currently not in my perfect mood to update though its a festive season . Im just facing my past, only vastly different & doesnt have anything to do with a heartless jerk . I seem to be losing everyone slowly . Well, jealousy & betrayal are the first words in my vocabulary though those words dont have anything to do with that but whatever . So much for friends forever eyy ? That bad & I still dont know the name of half of my class . TSK, wadeva . No point on writing about how i feel when all my friends say after I write this will be "why did you write that crap on your blog ?" All i did was keep quiet cause its already to hurting to reply them after everything . Uhhhhm, yup that was what I was thinking after everything & I'm always in a situation where I'm always the one who have to apologise first even if they were the one who started the argument . But nehmind, I'll still continue . Its like facing my 12-year-old miserable life where I have no choice & be friends with the boys which make the girls think I'm a full time flirt . Oh, you guys know right how I felt then ? its like you're really sure that you've meet the right friends till they do something ruthless to you . yeah, that was how bad my graduation year in primary school year was . That bad till I didnt want to turn up to school on the last day cause I know theres no one to say goodbye to . Anw, back to the present . I didnt know some outsiders can really ruin a friendship . Even some people who hasnt got to do with these are giving me arrogant looks . Not refering to those atleast says hi or smile to me everyone once in awhile, obviously . But no need to worry about that cause you guys are sooooo not important to me . HAHS, kay I'm talking crap now . Whatever , just try to understand it . Anddd currently getting the hang of no one being there for me in a bad way . No one should feel offended cause I rather keep it all to myself inside . But pffft, those things will be spilled out eventually . Well thats all for my Emo Shit Post . Lets talk about my week shall we ?
Blablablablabla urmm . Cant really recall but whenever cher says theres gonna be a POA test, its postponed . Oh, I remember yesterday . Went home straight after school & girlfies were like "kental uhh lu !" and I was like "diam uhh !" The usual scenarios . Bathed blablablahs, went to the eye centre at qweensway . 50 degrees aint bad right ? And I'm short sighted, wth . Wearing glasses will be the last thing I want to do . I'll look like a nerd . Oh, no offence to those wearing specs yeah . Refering to me . I look better not wearing specs, obviously . HAHAS ! Aint bragging, its a fact . NAd all they sell there was carrot juice . Really yknoww, I thought theres gonna be apple juice with alovera instead they're all carrot juice . Reminds me of desperate houswife when one of them told his blind husband to eat carrots cause its good for his eyes. -.-" And then went to town for dinner . Ate at breeks ! Niceeeeeeeeee . I'll show some pistures later . And today Berok was the referee for the friendly match with Bukit Panjang Pri . Draw oy draw . Aper lah khai tak tangkap bola . HA-HA-HA ! Jokingjoking . Bagos oy Khai . Lomapt mcm monyet sia . HAHAS ! Omg, I'm so bad . Kaykay khai, take that as a compliment ekh . So uhh, had a great laugh with Amira, Liana & Aisha . Okay so, here are the pictures of me at Breeks !
Before that, this was long time ago . And yups, thats Khai's top . XD
Cousin's Wedding.

Random, kay byeeeeeeeeee !
P/S, Mummy wanted to name me Nina when I was born . I was really frustrated when she didnt give me that sexy name . HAHAS !
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