HAHAHAS ! So sorry, I didnt know my blog was private yesterday . Anw, its open to public now, like duh.
Just wanna share some stuff .
I really dont get it when guys are reallyreally sad & they have to get away . Really yknoww . Its like ok when the girl you've been dreaming of your whole life doesnt want you then just get on with it lah ! Abit here want to get away . Get away as in not going to school for afew weeks, going to another country all those . Haiyos ! MIA-ing from the girl is a very cowardly thing to do know . Too embarassing to face her after everything is it ? Oh, & i'm not referng to anyone . Its just what i notice when I watch Romance movies . So jangan terase lagi .
yknow the time when my cousin got married ? Was chatting with Aidil instead of watching the ceremony XD we were talking about his relationship with khairiyah when I said "it doesnt feel right yknow going steady with your bestfriend's ex" and he was like "so ?" and I was like "ITS WRONG KAY !" and he was like "So ?" =.="
Where are the more sensitve guys ? Irritating .
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