Yupsiezxzxzxz 2009 will be a new head start for me . Okay lets start with New Year . Went to Labrodour (however it is spelled) park with Couzies . Major fun there . Cyclecycleee, fun way to lose weight . YES VERYYY (: Camwhored with Nadiah . Uhuh the only cousin I have whom all of my exboyfs think is hot . Grrrr . Well, she is :D Sorry suckers, she's taken . Dont bother . Muahahahas ! Okay then after that went to Aqilah's place to fetch her & her siblings plus to celebrate her birthday . 19 ? 20 ? Idk . the cake was yummy kay . What do you expect ? Its from Secret Recipe . O.oThen the next day was a school day . WOHOOOO ! For once I never need to rot at home . Met Nazirah & Khairiyah at Segar LRT . The rest was late & I was the earliest, again . Reached school almost just in time & our class was on the 4th floor . TSKK . Atleast its the same level as that hunk I have a major crush on 2 years ago . SHHH ! That was last time . Okay after assembly was attire check . Wasnt caught, never have been caught :p Anddd our new form teacher is Mdm Lee . Cool :] Social Studies was Mr Aljunied & Malay was Cikgu Ahmad . Aint bad . Malay is the only class I have with Amira & Norliana . Oh, speaking of Amira, she's the chairperson in her class . Cheybah ! Oh & my chaiperson is Jonathan . ( I was the one who nominated him ) :DDD Yelah2 jangan kembang uhh . Congrats (: Okay after school was walkwalk around the school, met Annura who insulted me all the time then & they sent me back home . Oh, met her at greenridge btw . And greenridge means GRSS students . GRSS seniors I mean . Saw some familiar faces there, wearing looong pants already . Woahseyyy . I wonder how some of my friends from that school wear looong pants look like . I mean, heh . Suhardi is as tall as me . And so is Yusof, grrrrr . But its good that I stop growing . I scare boys, shhh . HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM . Yupyup you owe me a crumpler bag (: Okay so here are the photos . Enjoy !
Our soon-to-be 15 year old faces.
Aqilah's Birthday & Labrodour Park.
-001.jpg) sure you all know what used to be here.(:
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