Yeah, I'm back ! Miss me ? Comecome, I'll give you a hug (:
Well my "holidays" were kinda boring . We didnt go out much so I just bought a necklace with the letter "A" on it . So yeah .
Yesterday was very tiring . I reached home at 1am & woke up at 6.15am . It was flag day . We went to the wrong library cause teacher gave us the wrong address -.- Hence, we were an hour late . Broke out into groups, held out the tin like no one's business . Stopped at 12.20pm, rest at Jurong East Library, daddy picked me up & we went for lunch at Jurong Point . Blablahblah, reached home & slept straight away . So yeah that was my day . In the evening, met girlfies at Bukit Panjang Plaza . I was the "photographer" or as what Berok like to call it "camerawoman" ? Yeah it was a laugh & very fun . So yeah, here are the pictures at Malaysia .
I'm pretty bad at taking scenaries .
Yes, another survey from Azeem's blog . Should go to his blog more often (:
1. Full Name = Nurul Artika Raemi
2. Nicknames = Artika ?
3. Birth place = KKH
4. Hair color = Black, after its still dyed -.-
5. Natural hair style = Wavy
6. Eye Color = Brown seh
7. Birthday = 23 October
8. Favourite Country = I havent travelled much
9. Favorite color = Black, Pink, Red.
10. One place you'd like to visit = London.
1. Have you ever been in love? Yup.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope
3. Do you currently have a crush? NO
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? YEAH
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart? I think so.
6. Have you ever had your heart broken? DUH
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? DUHH
8. Are you afraid of commitment? IDK
9. Who was the last person you hugged? Khairiyah
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? Girlfies ?
1. Love or lust? Love .
1. Been caught sneaking out? Nope
2. Seen a polar bear? Yupp .
3. Done something you regret?Nope.
4. Bungee jumped? NEVER
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor? Yes.
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker? Jaw breaker aper ?
7. Been caught naked? No
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back? Not anymore
9. Cried because you lost a pet Yeah ):
10. Wanted to disappear? Everytime
1. Smile or eyes? Smile
2. Light or dark hair? Anything
3. Hugs or kisses? Both
4. Shorter or taller? Taller !
5. Intelligence or attraction? BOTHH ! More on intelligence :D
6. Topman or Zara? WHO ?
7. Funny or serious?Both !
8. Older or Younger? Same age
9. Outgoing or quiet? V outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad ? -.- Sweet luh
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd? Yeap.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour?Yes
3. Ever tried walking on your hands? Nope
4. Ever been to a rock concert? Nope
5. Ever been on a cheer leading team? kinda ?
6. Ever been on a dance team? Yeah, like donkey years ago.
7. Ever been on a sports team? Yeah.
8. Ever been in a drama play/production? Yeah.
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? Lamborghini? Nope.
10. Ever been in a rap video? No.
2. Last person you hugged? Khairiyah
3. Last person you hung out with? Khairiyah
4. Last time you worked? Never
5. Last person you talked to? My family.
Last person you IM'd? No one
7. Last person you texted? No One
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with? Family
9. Last person who called you? No One
10. Last website visited? facebook
Ten person to do this
1. Anyone who hasnt done this :D
Well currently doing nothing & reading his blog . He thinks I've got a cute laugh (: Yeah, we talked crap/shit . Funny man . Yupzxzxzx, his the dude who still msgs me when I'm away & said *P/S dont need to reply" LOL . K shut up Artika .
& love, isnt infinite. Cause nothing lasts forever.
Take Care All (:
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