Still waiting for friday

Wednesday 19 January 2011

School had been. Well. Hectic. Tiring. Etc etc.
On the bright side, I managed to ask Miss Tan to transfer to me to a Band 3 class for Chemistry. I'm sure I have mentioned that Chemistry is not at all getting easy now. We're on calculations and it's probably the worst topic in the book. Me no likey >:/ It's such a waste that I could drop down from the cloud that quickly. I used to really love Chemistry. Maybe for the wrong reason at first but then I realized that I was doing so much better. From an F to an A. Yes, that much of a diff. I don't think *sighs fre
aking deeply*

Besides that, school has been fine. Most teachers are been away for camp and will be back on Friday. And I'm probably going to spend the whole day in school studying POA with my friends. I really don't like POA. It doesn't have any relation of what course I wanna take after graduation.
Gosh, all these thoughts about my future and O levels are giving me goosebumps.
For the millionth time, gotta study gotta study gotta study!
Stop goofing around lah. Wanna fail is it? Nbcb.


And I guess that what they say is true. People come and go.
Whatever it is, I hope you're doing great now ;')

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