NSL Practical :)

Friday 25 May 2012
 Hello all! 
It's friggin Friday! The wait for this day to arrive seemed to take forever. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm loaded with tests and assignments. As always, I'm doing everything at the very last minute - which explains why I'm pretty much almost failing. There's no one else to blame but me and the more I blame myself, the lower my self-confidence gets. Sigh. Anyways, I am planning to buck up this coming week. I'm so determined to study for my MIC quiz this coming Monday which will cover two lectures. After which I'm left with merely a week to study for my common tests. Thank goodness AAP is on Friday.

Alrighto moving on, the year one nursing students had our NSL practical tests this week and as some of you might already know, I failed my first attempt :( I honestly can't explain how extremely devastated I was (unless you follow me on twitter, hmm). Nonetheless, I passed the re test today and I feel pretty accomplished. Well, everyone in my class passed. Mr Mazlan was pretty proud of us. Aha, I'm so glad :)

For the sake of those who isn't in Nursing, this module just involves doing actual nursing work in hospital wards. So for my test, I had to transfer the patient from the bed to the wheelchair - with some assistance from the 'patient' of course *winks* I'm just glad that it wasn't blood pressure!

So here are just some photos of us in our uniform.
(I must admit that I prefer my Red Cross uniform cause this one is rather plain - no rank/badges. *Eheeeeeeeeeeeem*)

P05 had their practical first and then the next day was us :)

Ah, and have I mentioned before that Wei Rong and Hazliyana are Thai? Haha, okay no they're not. Just that Wei Rong was born in Thailand and Hazliyana's grandparents were Thai (smth like that, I 'm not very sure). Pretty weird cause Wei Rong would always irritate her like mad and she'll just end up getting pissed hahahaha! 

And as usual, Cheston and Wei Rong would always spam my phone/iPod with photos of their faces.

And the next day, it was our turn! 
And yes, my uniform's pretty loose. 

Practical classmates <3 
Me, Valerie, YiTeng, JiaXin, Thi Thi, Chan Chan, Carlos and Marcus :) 

Val <3 <3 

Carlos and Marcus! 
Carlos's Chinese name is Chow Seng. But I like Carlos teehee!

Jia Xin :) :) 

Mr Carlos again ^^

Jia Xin, Val, Carlos and moi!

And earlier today... 

That's it then.
Have a great weekend ahead! *smiles widely*