Twinkling stars twinkling in the twinkling night sky

Saturday 7 May 2011
I spent forever looking for a picture to start of my post.
I apologize for not posting as often as before. Been busy with studying, social life. Basically, life. I know it's impossible to seem that even a minor like me would have a busy life. So busy till I don't even have time for myself. Well, maybe it's because I've got too much commitment to handle. I sound cocky here. Whatever.

So life had been treating me, nyeh. Fine I guess. I'm sure that there are others out there whose life is more suckier than mine. So I shall be appreciative for now, my life rocks!

My first exam was my Science Practical. Apparently we had to do both Physics and Chemistry within that one hour and thrity minutes. It was surprisingly doable but after everything when everyone started comparing our answers, all of us had different solutions so we panicked. Typical.

The following papers were English, Geography, E Maths P1 and Malay. All of those except English P2 were manageable. Nobody knows what tha fuck the passage was talking about. I had a rough idea of the main idea of the passage but I the words were so complicated I bet only a handful of students fully understands it. As for my Malay composition, I almost cried while writing it. See! I have sucha soft heart. And people thought I can't cry. I beg to differ okay! I've probably been through enough for my age till I get so good at hiding my tears.

Other than that, it's okay.
It's gonna be another long weekend. Shall make full use of it studying. To be honest, I don't really study much anyways.

And my day didn't start off with messy hair today. Yay!
Yes, that's new *points up* It has a very lame name but it's basically a speaker/alarm clock. It's an amazing feeling to hear your favourite song the first thing of every morning. That way, I feel so motivated to wake up even earlier. Haha, totally recommendable for you to buy. Gosh, this sounds like an advert. I got it for free though heh!

Happy Polling Day everyone!

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