Hazliyana's Belated 19th Surprise!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Greetings starshines!

Just thought that I'd update before leaving for a short trip to Malacca tomorrow with my cousins and niece and nephews! I'm rather excited because I love those kids and it has been a long time since I went out of the country with my relatives! 

Well, on with the post! 

Many of you may already know that I suck at keeping secrets pertaining to surprises on birthdays. I'm actually like Lily from How I Met Your Mother, serzly! My mouth can't stay shut without accidentally leaking out the plans and stuff! HAHAHAHA!

So today! I made an attempt to not be spoiler for once and I had to come up with excuses to tell Haz why the girls aren't at Bugis - which was our initial plan because we told her that we should do our FYP preparations at the National Library. 

Anyways, my excuse to Haz was that Zaimah's boyfriend said that the place was crowded and we should opt to go to another library instead and the nearest one was at Esplanade (the girls were at MBS already) so we took a bus to MBS before meeting the girls (and it's a good thing Haz doesn't know her way around that area LOLOL). 

Anywaysssssssss! When we were there, Nadz called me and told me to blindfold her and since I've forgotten to bring that...

I just used my ginormous hands to cover her eyes HAHA! 
And yeah I brought her to the middle of the station at Bayfront :p :p :p 

So yeah, the girls came over to surprise her with a CBTL cake :) 

Afterwards, we went on to some place else and Haz still thought that we will be doing our FYP but NAHHHHHH cus ain't nobody got time for that! 

Lol just kidding :) 

Managed to find tables outside the station so we settled there for awhile to let Haz finish her cake!

And then there it was, surprise number two!

*throws confetti* 

I for one have been yearning to go to this place ever since I saw a fashion blogger blog about her experience there and I thought that I HAVE to come here! Thank goodness they extended the closing date too!

Haz and I were lucky enough to have survived the cold post winter season in China a year back so this was a breeze to us (for me at least!) but unfortunately for the rest, they were freezing! HAHAHA!

I shall let the photos do the talking for this part! Enjoy ~

Zoe's lenses fogged up after we left which explains the blurry photo below :( 

That was it for our 2 Degree Ice Exhibit! 
It was definitely a fun experience for me and I bet you guys may enjoy it too! 

They're having a promotion too so more reason for you guys to check it out, aside from an escape from the hot weather hehe! 

Adult - 1-for-1 at $32
Child - 1-for-1 at $26

Adult - $20 
Child - $15

Senior citizens enjoy a rate of $8 for both weekdays and weekends! 

Promotion ends on 22 June so don't wait up guys! :) 

After that, we took a train to Bugis for lunch at ZamZam!

Completing what's left for the data collection. FYP, you're sucha burden!

There was surprise number three!!!

We just bought the girl a new school bag :) 

Alright alright, enough surprises heh! 
Haz had to pray after that so the rest of us went around Kampung Glam to have a look!

We randomly came across the Little Children's Museum and decided to have a look around at just $2 per entry! 

Every step was like walking down memory lane. I can't believe that everything has evolved so quickly! Perhaps most of the things weren't from our era but everything was definitely a better substitute to what kids spend their time on nowadays: gadgets. 

One thing's for sure is that I do hope that these toys remain in existence in the future because well, I don't know about parenting and the efficiency of getting a kid to shut up with a toy or an iPad but I'd definitely like to use these vintage toys as a first resort. Then again, times are changing but I'd like to introduce these toys to my next generation nonetheless! So future baby, don't be so spoiled okay?  

Went back out for some random photoshoot sessions, HAHA!

That's it for today! I do apologize if there weren't much explanations or captions in between the photos because to be honest, I'm pretty shagged now :( 

Once again, Happy Belated 19th Birthday, Haz! I hope you enjoyed our surprise we did for you :) All the best for senior year and for your future endeavors! I love you 5ever!! <3

As usual, ending off with our last photo :)  

Goodnight lovelies! Xx

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